Reflections About Journeying

with Rhiannon

  • “Rhiannon holds an incredibly grounded, receptive, attentive, soft and simultaneously fierce space. Her energy and presence feel nourishing and warm, and incredibly compassionate and wise. When I am in session with Rhiannon I experience going on a “journey.” We dive deep into my own stories and emotions with an invitation to keep an eagle eye perspective on all seen and felt, allowing a meeting of myself with closeness and a bigger picture sense. It’s bears the sense of the weaving of a tapestry.   The writing techniques and practices she offers are great tools that have helped me access different parts of my consciousness, awareness, and intelligence. There’s a strong sense of tapping into the unknown or unseen parts of myself and giving voice and bearing witness. It feels akin to digging up jewels.   After my sessions with Rhiannon I feel consciousness shifts and ah-ha moments. There’s a harmonizing and rewiring that seems to occur after each session. I always feel lighter, brighter, more connected, and closer to myself. There’s a reclamation of myself through working with Rhiannon. I’m incredibly excited to continue deep diving together.  ”

    Mikhel Nashat - Founder of Wayfinder Archery

  • “After my sessions with Rhi, I feel so at peace and confident in my healing. I also feel SO full of life and ready to take on the world! Working with her has been the biggest blessing for me! She helps me navigate through my ugly trauma so beautifully and gives me the tools and encouragement needed to get to that next level. My energy with her is always protected and safe. I can be real and vulnerable about painful things & she just catches me right where I am & always understands. She is able to pull me to the surface and back into my alignment, in my purpose, every single time! I honestly don’t know where I would be without her. She’s so wise, loving, nurturing, and can align you & your energy to live your best life! Rhi has such a beautiful gift and I’m so lucky she pours it into my life! My life is definitely better because she is in it! I always can count on her! "

    Taylor Wright - Mama + Inspiration Influencer

  • Photo By: Cory Cullington

    “Sessions with Rhiannon have radically changed my life. I've been able to accept who I am and explore interdimensionally. She has provided for me what most clinical psychologists have not - an understanding of the spiritual world, not just the ego. I am always enlightened after a session. I realize that the great portion of the weight I carry is in my head. Sessions with Rhiannon make it clear that this weight can be lifted and not suffered in. Like a great guide, Rhiannon lets me figure out most of the stuff and contributes when needed. She leads me where I need to go so I can have an epiphany there. Rhiannon is wise and compassionate but not enabling” (Photo By: Cory Cullington)

    Pete Pidgeon - Musician -

  • “Honestly I could write a novel about how amazing Rhiannon is, and how much she's changed my life. I’ve been working with her for 15 years now, and can honestly say that I wouldn’t be the woman I am today, with the love I have for myself and my life- if it weren’t for the work I’ve done with her. Her ability to present you with alternative perspectives, her insights into possible alternatives of thought, and the way that she draws connections to things is almost other-worldly. I personally struggled with codependence, self worth/love issues, and a supreme lack of boundaries, and throughout our time together with in person sessions and writing exercises (and a lot of accountability) I have been able to build (and continue to build) my ideal life. I went from a broke, emotionally unstable person- ruled by her past traumas- to a whole, healthy, resilient woman, whose life is filled with joy and love.  There are some people in this world who are truly magic, and Rhiannon is one of them. If you’re looking to really make a change (because let’s be honest- you have to do the work) there isn’t anyone on this Earth I would recommend over her. I promise you, just one hour with her will alter your life for the better. ”

    Brandy Baucknecht - Designer & Vintage/Antique Dealer 

  • “Rhiannon’s energy is warm like a good cup of tea and soothing like a nice glass of wine. She has a unique ability to bring me into a space that I so desperately need- off the beaten path and away from my worldly distractions. My energy shifts to a very safe place during our sessions. I feel alive, connected, and free to be exactly what I am on that particular day. Rhiannon is great at adjusting to my needs knowing everyday is not rainbows and butterflies. She picks up on my energy and gives me the space to explore where I need to go during that session. Our work together has given me back the confidence and self esteem that I lost many years ago. Rhiannon has been soft but firm, in helping me not question myself or the decisions I make in my life moving forward. Our work together has had a positive impact on every relationship in my life. Rhiannon has helped me understand that it is okay to set boundaries for myself and others. Her guidance, tools, energy, and love has been instrumental in helping me become a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend.”

    Whitney Wright - Mama, Professional Poker Player + Professional Golfer

  • “Rhiannon’s ability to meet me where I am has allowed me to drop into the layers of myself that I didn’t even know needed to be witnessed. The thoughts and feelings that I was completely unaware of, or the ones I labeled as nonsensical, a nuisance, a flaw, or underserved, are somehow drawn out in a poetic reframe that allows me to walk away with a sense of purpose and motivation. Each session with Rhiannon has grown my ability to hear/observe/feel and be more present with these layers of myself in my day to day. I’ve gained the ability to see the available reframe in every moment, or have grown my capacity to do so when I take a breath. I feel myself as an anchor in a reality that honors my feelings, and allows me to move forward without being stuck in the muck.  And when I do feel stuck, working with her has allowed me to see the beauty in that… to fully respect my process and my humanness, to be present with the medicine that lies in the shadows.  Truly a homecoming and an integration of all parts of me.”

    Lauren O’Malley - Mama + Intuitive Somatic Healing Guide

  • “Working with Rhi has been a quite a discovery. A discovery of her talent and fathomless energy. But also a discovery for me and what it truly means to be on a journey. It’s work, dedication, integrity, and most of all peace. I have worked with Rhi over the past 5 years. During that time I have come to know myself in a deep and meaningful way. Throughout my life I had defined myself from the opinions of others, but with her guidance I have come to discover and learned to love the real me! It’s the most nurturing energy I have ever felt, it’s creates a space of complete safety. Rhi has a gift! I feel open, vulnerable, that I can share and speak freely. It is so liberating! Many different feelings, peace, challenge, inspiration, nurture, truth, come through our sessions. They flow naturally and in their appointed time. All the while knowing that I have a guide that’s there for me. Thanks to her guidance I have come to a place of health for my spiritual and energetic life. ”

    Albert Balido - Lobbyist