Hi! My name is Rhiannon

I live a slow paced life of simplicity. I love this Earth Realm. The beauty of our natural world evokes childlike joy, immersive pleasure and humble gratitude through my Whole Being. I spend a majority of the day outside in my garden. I have created a little sit spot in the center of these amazing plants that hold me tenderly everyday. My Sweetheart and I made this garden from scratch. Shaping the landscape, tending the soil, and planting everything from seed.

This garden is what opened me to RECEIVE the guidance I needed to create

Weaving Wisdom.

I could walk all day. Through forests and canyons, along rivers and mountains, on beaches and trails. I am friendly to most all the creatures I meet, always saying hello and sharing my delight in their magic. I can remember moments from my childhood, having conversations with nature when no one was around. Talking to plants and water, neighborhood cats, and trees.

Nature is my gateway INTO the divine. Being surrounded by LIFE awakens all of my dormant senses, the senses from my primal blueprint. These original receptivity channels give me access to the subtle languages of wisdom speaking to my knowing.

I’ve always been a journaler. Writing was a way for me to express what was swirling around in my head. Some of my oldest journals were mortifying to reread. Repetitive word vomit on a page. I burned most of them. Those stories were ready to be liberated back to the ether. Over the years my writing evolved. When I was in my late 20’s I lived in a very secluded canyon home by myself. I spent hours of time on my back porch nestled up to a mountain. It is here that my writing began to take a poetic shape. It felt like the seclusion in nature activated my voice. I discovered a rhythm in me and opened a portal into healing. I would write poetry, read it out loud to the canyon and FEEL the trapped emotions rise to the surface and release. Then I learned how to do timed writing, and it blew me away. The words on the page felt like they came from somewhere else, somewhere I had no idea I had access to. This is where Ritual Writing began. I started asking questions in my writing and letting these new voices give me answers, give me guidance. The poetic rhythm took the shape of divine wisdom.

I realized writing was a way INTO the parts of me that felt broken, the parts of me that were ready to transform. I went into a rabbit hole, down to my underworld. I explored my emotions and feelings. I faced shadows and stories. I found fractaled parts of me frozen in time. I began to see all the ways I’ve protected the shattered expressions of me. I got comfortable in the darkness. I was no longer afraid of what was “wrong” with me.

Instead I began inviting these parts of me to share their truth.

I’ve had losses, initiations into Grief. These raw waves of immense emotion swallowed me. I went deeper into my darkness. I sank to the bottom of my ocean, to the depths of my FEELING. No humans around me could understand how to truly help me. There was nothing to be said or done to alleviate what I was experiencing in my being. It is in this learning that I called for Angels and Guides. I had no idea what I was asking for. All I knew is that I needed relief from the emotional pain. And they came. I could feel my energy being tended, cleared, and loved. I could feel my healing.

I now understood that I was resourced. I had guides, angels, and spirits. I had nature surrounding me. I had rituals and practices that I had learned through following my inner compass. I found herbalism, circles of women, and like hearted souls to trust. I discovered dancing MOVED energy through me and brought me into a euphoric state of liberated expression. I learned how hiking cleared my field and connected me with the rhythms of the Earth. These became my tools. Vital Soul Nutrients that I continue to use in my present reality.

I began to trust my Guidance.
Trust the Wisdom within.
Trust that I have access
to the answers that I seek. 

My Guidance leads me to Live my Divine Gifts.

I am an Earth Oracle, a Wisdom Weaver, a Way Shower, a Poetic Mystic, a Wholeness Healer, a Plant Apprentice, a Guiding Light, a Shadow Dancer, a Soul Embodied Human Being.

I am Rhiannon

My Life is a Thriving Ecology that I Flourish Within

Info about my Learning Path:

I worked 16 years as a part-time/full-time nanny for many wonderful families. I had the immense honor of participating in the nurturing and raising of children ranging in age from 1 years old to 17 years old. I learned invaluable wisdom and understanding through the reflection of these powerful and amazing humans. Being immersed into families taught me about the unique harmonic landscapes that we as humans create within our Homes, and how our natural gifts emerge when given the space to Become. The powerful presence and patience I hold is 100% due to these beautiful children teaching ME. 

I have a bachelors in Social Work from Florida State University. I also studied Early Childhood Education, Child Development, and Sociology through various courses while at University. I later pursued the study of Midwifery and Women’s Health through various schools, teachings, books and lectures.

I’ve trusted my curiosities, continuing to learn and explore various spiritual and healing topics through books, podcasts, workshops, courses and my own inner guidance. I have been doing 1:1 sessions, facilitating group journeys, offering workshops, and making herbal medicine for the past 8 years. I have had numerous long term clients, all of which inspire and activate the growth of my divine gifts.

I studied Folk Herbalism as an Apprentice of The Gaia School of Healing and Earth Education in southern California for 2 years. This journey opened my perception to the natural world and empowered me with tools and understandings about how to nurture my wellbeing with the support of our Earth. I traveled to Ireland with the school for immersive learning, worked in a local Apothecary started by the school, and continue to receive infinite blessings and connections through this community. 

Link to the original School started by Sage Mauer


Link to the evolution of the Southern California branch, run by Marysia Miernowska


At this stage in my life, I deeply value privacy and boundaries. The vulnerable stories I may share in journeys, in poetry, or on the podcast, all come through a channel of discernment. I share only what feels in alignment to express, and I keep sacred the stories of my being that wish to be held in the safety of my heart.  You will not find me on social media, there won’t be pictures of my family, or my home posted anywhere, I won’t be giving personal life updates. That open channel of energy doesn’t nurture me. My gifts wish to be shared in very clear containers, with boundaries and consenting receivers.