Hello Beautiful
Soul Embodied Human

Thank You for bringing your curiosity to explore the potential of journeying with me!

We will be navigating together
within a deeply intentional ecology of:
The Elemental Dimensions, Ritual Writing, Reflective Guidance, Intuitive Channeling, Grounded Presence, Catalyzing Conversation, Expansive Inquiry, Willing Participation, and Vulnerable Expression.

Each journey is
uniquely inspired by the synergy of our connection!
You can expect to explore the following growth points:

Establishing Communion with your Inner Knowing
Deepening Trust with your Soul Guidance
Nourishing Intimacy with your Voice

Restoring Relationship with your 5 Elemental Dimensions
Cultivating a Thriving Ecology for your Flourishing
Rooting in your Resonant Beliefs

Discovering the Beneficial Nutrients of your current Challenges
Untangling Identity from your Coping/Defense Mechanisms
Clarifying your Unmet and Emerging Needs

Identifying and tending to your Emotional/Spiritual Deficiencies
Liberating your Life Force from Looping Narratives
Alchemizing your Wounds into Wisdom

Bringing focus to your Signals of Alignment
Learning the Language of your Emotions
Activating your Embodied Reception

Embodying your Soul Guided Gifts
Revealing your Heart’s Desires
Living your Wholeness


  • Elemental Soul Mapping

    3-Hour Immersive Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field!

    333.00 per session

  • Wholeness Integration Counsel

    Weekly 90-min Synergy Sessions to support your current growth spiral through Ritual Writing, Reflective Guidance and Catalyzing Conversation. This journey is designed to cultivate an intimate safe space for loving reception and gentle accountability as you navigate the incremental process of integration. Each week we deepen your communion with the vital nutrients of your present moment thresholds. while supporting each emerging facet of your Wholeness to discover belonging in the Sanctuary of your Heart. This journey supports the complexity of BEING Human during the liberating process of Consciousness Expansion.

    888.00 per month

  • Soul Gift Mentorship

    A month-to-month Immersive Experience that includes bi-weekly Elemental Soul Mapping sessions, bi-weekly Synergy Sessions and a voice memo conversational journey throughout the month. Our ongoing communion offers gentle accountability, reflective guidance, integrative counsel, intuitive insights and nurturing encouragement as you repattern your life and cultivate a thriving ecology to LIVE your Soul Gifts. This journey supports those who desire in-depth reflections and present moment guidance during potent initiations that your Soul is leading you INTO.

    1,444.00 per month



Contact me directly
through one of the options below!

Please be sure to share:
Your name,
which journey you are
feeling connected to,
and any questions that you have!


Message me on Telegram (messaging app)
Message me on Substack (via substack app)
Email me at :